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Old 01-10-2025, 02:29 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Calhoun LA
Posts: 48
Default another clone wiring question (rectifier)

This technically isn't a golf cart engine swap but a 1997 kawasaki mule 550 to lifan 15hp question dealing with the wiring. So here's my question On the 550 the starter circuit gets its power from the white wire to the BK/W wire which normally goes to the neutral safety switch(mine has been bypassed/removed) and finally gives power to the starter motor relay from BK/W then through the BK/R wire. That much I think is straightforward for my Lifan. If I do have this figured out the white wire from my 550 will connect to the white wire on the lifan (that would normally go to the lifan's BAT). This white wire comes out of the Lifan rectifier and the BK/W wire on my 550 will connect to the Lifan's B1/W wire. And to kill the motor the lifan's black wire coming from the ignition coil/low oil level switch) will go to the mule's BK wire . The Lifan's rectifier output via its black wire will connect to the mule's BK/Y wire which is always grounded and thus with mule's key off BK will be connected to BK/Y thus grounding the coil and killing the engine.

On the 550 all of the lights and horn(if you have it) are powered from the BR wire which gets its power from the white wire through the ignition switch when the switch is on. my question is this: the BR wire also goes into the rectifier as the 5th wire going into the 550's rectifier and my lifan rectifier/regulator has five wires coming out of it but only four of them are used; two yellow coming in from the charging coil and two going out to the battery and ground. So more specifically my question is why would the switched leg for the mule 550 lights/accesories also tie into the rectifier/regulator's fifth wire? Every diagram i've seen of a five wire regulator/rectifier speaks of the fifth wire as a sensor wire. But I have found this discussion but couldn't decide what the answer was. Corrollary question is; to run my lights do i simply keep the BR wire on the mule connected only to the light switch or connect this BR wire to the fifth wire coming out of the lifan rectifier as well?
Attached Images
File Type: jpg closeup lifan rectifier.jpg (34.3 KB, 0 views)
File Type: jpg IMG_7790.jpg (47.5 KB, 0 views)
File Type: jpg Lifan rectifier.jpg (56.4 KB, 0 views)
Attached Files
File Type: pdf mule 550 wiring diagram.pdf (2.26 MB, 0 views)
File Type: pdf Lifan 190 wiring diagram.pdf (28.2 KB, 0 views)
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