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Old 01-23-2019, 01:44 PM   #1
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Default Legalizing Carts in North Carolina - Need Ideas

Hey All, I'll try to keep this short...

A few weeks ago I started trying to legalize golf carts in my town of Lenoir, NC. The state already allows for it but it is up to each city or town to accept it and can modify the ordinance to suit their needs.

The city Council and department heads met yesterday and were kind of split down the middle - half kind of for it, half kind of against it. They asked the Chief of Police to create a sample Ordinance and to do some additional research on how to do it safely in our town.

Here's my problem or challenge...

I am just one person asking for this. I need to get more people requesting this from the town Council members. I have contacted local golf cart businesses to see if they have customers and/or friends in my town who would like to use their carts. I also contacted local golf courses.

Can you guys think of anyone else I can, or should, contact to try to get them involved?
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Old 01-23-2019, 02:13 PM   #2
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Default Re: Legalizing Carts in North Carolina - Need Ideas

Bring use of this up as LSV and not "golf carts".

The term "golf cart" will bring up all kinds of safety
into question such as seat belts, windshield, turn signals,
and INSURANCE. Keep it as Low Speed Vehicle sounds
much more appealing in the legal aspect in attorney jargon.

These issues have already been addressed by the state in their
requirements for on road operation.

Even people with handicap personal mobility scooters can
use these devices as Low Speed Vehicles and not need
vehiclular insurance when navigating across streets, sidewalks
and along the roadways. Terminology is everything.

Do the city workers use gas or electric carts to do their
duties, ie: Lawn maintenance, trash pick up, ect.
I'm sure they are used around the University.

If so, how are their machines fitted for public safety
towards the driving public ?

Run an ad in the free newspaper concerning your request
about LSV in Lenoir, NC ?

If it is shot down by the city, take it up with the Sheriff
of your Catawba Co. since the State allows it and tell them
you intend to follow what laws the State has towards
the operation of LSV on public roadways.

You will be in compliance with the State laws unless the
city just outright bans LSV (Low Speed Vehicles) within
the city limits you can cite the city's use of their own
LSVs by city workers if they have them.

I have handicap placard and handicap plates so the use
of a "LSV" for driving into the city would be an excuse to
use it as I am not able to purchase one of those thousands
of dollar personal mobility scooters.

Bringing this up to city council instead of just following
State Law may have open yourself up to liability for an
insurance requirement by the city.

I'm not trying to cause friction between you or any
government entity, just be cautious when approaching
these types of people concerning your operation of the
LSV on public motorways.

I know where you live, just north of where my step-father
lives in Lincolnton, NC.

In GA we are required to have the LSV triangle AND a
flashing amber beacon that can be seen from 500 feet away.

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Old 01-23-2019, 03:48 PM   #3
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Default Re: Legalizing Carts in North Carolina - Need Ideas

Thanks for all the great info!

When I first started this with the City Council, it was passed to the Police Chief, who was originally against the idea because of safety concerns. After providing him a lot of information, he decided to check with some local communities that have already legalized carts (Blowing Rock, Newton, Maiden, and Morganton). He found that there were no safety issues and that it was working very well for them.

We have been talking a lot about various aspects of an ordinance and we both agree that the LSV requirements put an undue burden on the user: VIN number assigned, state issued license plate and registration, taxes, additional insurance, etc.

However, a city Golf Cart Ordinance can be as strict or as lenient as needed. The Chief of Police has been great to talk with and is extremely reasonable and thoughtful - we agreed on basically everything: seatbelts, liability insurance, valid driver's license, minimum age, certain road restrictions, etc., etc. I am very thankful that he is the one researching this as he is very open minded, sensible, and has a lot of great insight.

My biggest concern at the moment is that the Council will say that only one or two people are asking for it, so it's not worth the effort. Of course if no one knows that they are considering it, how would people know to ask for it or support it? So I need to find a way to let people know about it and to contact our Council in favor of it. I'll check about any free newspapers, etc., and I think I will also contact our Chamber of Commerce as the Chief mentioned that it might be good for downtown businesses...
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Old 01-24-2019, 10:20 AM   #4
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Default Re: Legalizing Carts in North Carolina - Need Ideas

May be a good idea to start a petition. is good for that, ans is easy to access online. Do some grunt work and visit any 55+ communities or mobile home parks in the area. Country clubs/golf course communities, etc. The more names you can get on a petition, the more power you have when you can pull out a list of names of people also in favor.
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