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Old 12-06-2011, 09:31 PM   #11
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Default Re: Is this engine sufficient?

Originally Posted by crash12888 View Post
Smooth THC, very smooth, you should give people the courtesy of at least one mistake.
There's nothing wrong with that motor, go for it.
I don't see how there's nothing wrong with this motor. The guy above keeps saying that it's made for constant running and not stop and go. He said it will stall or something, idk read his posts.
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Old 12-06-2011, 11:14 PM   #12
Xtreme Cartz
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Default Re: Is this engine sufficient?

Starting with the basics first...
Is your cart a 2 stroke? If so you would lose reverse gear putting this engine in and not swapping to a 4 stroke rear end($400 if youre lucky to find one).

The engine is a generator tapered shaft and it will be a challenge to get a clutch to fit. The adaptor Cpp sells takes a stock tapered golf cart clutch and fits it to a 1" straight shaft engine. It does not adapt a clutch to a generator taper shaft engine(unless there's something new Im not aware of!)

Recoil start engine makes it hard to enjoy. You could use the starter generator off the old engine, but then you need the original clutch to fit this engine, which is going to require a machine shop... $$.

The harbor freight engine is your best bet for not much more money you will get something thats been proven time and again works good. Dont underestimate the fab and design work it takes to make them mount up and run properly. It takes 3 times as long and cost twice as much as you had planned to complete custom builds. It's not easy like people think, but this could be a fun project for you.
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Old 12-06-2011, 11:47 PM   #13
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Default Re: Is this engine sufficient?

Originally Posted by Xtreme Cartz View Post
Starting with the basics first...
Is your cart a 2 stroke? If so you would lose reverse gear putting this engine in and not swapping to a 4 stroke rear end($400 if youre lucky to find one).

The engine is a generator tapered shaft and it will be a challenge to get a clutch to fit. The adaptor Cpp sells takes a stock tapered golf cart clutch and fits it to a 1" straight shaft engine. It does not adapt a clutch to a generator taper shaft engine(unless there's something new Im not aware of!)

Recoil start engine makes it hard to enjoy. You could use the starter generator off the old engine, but then you need the original clutch to fit this engine, which is going to require a machine shop... $$.

The harbor freight engine is your best bet for not much more money you will get something thats been proven time and again works good. Dont underestimate the fab and design work it takes to make them mount up and run properly. It takes 3 times as long and cost twice as much as you had planned to complete custom builds. It's not easy like people think, but this could be a fun project for you.

I like this answer the best.
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Old 12-06-2011, 11:56 PM   #14
Xtreme Cartz
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Default Re: Is this engine sufficient?

And I like you scottyb!

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Old 12-07-2011, 12:00 AM   #15
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Default Re: Is this engine sufficient?

Lots of guys have used the cheap Harbor Freight motors with some luck.
They are about $300
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Old 12-07-2011, 01:22 AM   #16
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Default Re: Is this engine sufficient?

Originally Posted by Xtreme Cartz View Post
Starting with the basics first...
Is your cart a 2 stroke? If so you would lose reverse gear putting this engine in and not swapping to a 4 stroke rear end($400 if youre lucky to find one).

The cart is a 4 stroke and the transmission is separate so the reverse would still work if I got another engine amiright?

The engine is a generator tapered shaft and it will be a challenge to get a clutch to fit. The adaptor Cpp sells takes a stock tapered golf cart clutch and fits it to a 1" straight shaft engine. It does not adapt a clutch to a generator taper shaft engine(unless there's something new Im not aware of!)

For some reason I thought the clutch off the old motor could be fabricated to fit it? From all the replies so far, I'm going to buy a different motor anyways.

Recoil start engine makes it hard to enjoy. You could use the starter generator off the old engine, but then you need the original clutch to fit this engine, which is going to require a machine shop... $$.

I know about the starting issues, which is why I'm probably going to buy an engine with a starter. If I found one without a starter tho, how could the old starter be fabricated to fit the new engine? If the clutch off the old engine somehow fits the new engine, then the starter belt will still work right?

The harbor freight engine is your best bet for not much more money you will get something thats been proven time and again works good. Dont underestimate the fab and design work it takes to make them mount up and run properly. It takes 3 times as long and cost twice as much as you had planned to complete custom builds. It's not easy like people think, but this could be a fun project for you.

Thanks for all the great info man, I'm definitely looking into buying one of those engines! The thing is, I'm just a complete newbie in all of this but I have a friend with the proper tools and welding accessories I might need.
I replied in bold

I guess I can add another question to this reply. Which motor would be best? Remember, I would like this thing to be able to go up hills smoothly and ride with at least 3 people on it.

I wasn't really looking to spend this much on the motor under this line, but if neither of the top 2 will do, I guess I can fork over the extra cash.

Also, if you guys have any other engines, maybe cheaper, I'd like to see some.

edit- ****, just realized they are all recoil start.. This recoil start would be alright if there was some way I could attach the generator to the motor to crank it.
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