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Old 06-20-2018, 07:14 AM   #1
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Default New 500amp Alltrax and Admiral B2 Motor

What should I expect from upgrading to an Alltrax XCT500 amp controller and Admiral B2 motor? I have a 2003 EZGO PDS 36v cart with 3" Lift and 20" AT tires. The battery pack is new and has only been through 3 or 4 charge cycles. I had the controller programmed at 80% thinking that I would be using the OEM motor. How hard will it be to turn the controller back up to 100%?

Uprades include:
Admirial B2 Motor
XCT500 Amp controller
400amp HD solenoid
4ga battery cables

I may or may not add a 7th battery to the pack but I am not exactly sure where to purchase a charger or how much they cost...

If I add a 7th battery to the mix, what should I expect from that? Thanks
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Old 06-20-2018, 09:25 AM   #2
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Default Re: New 500amp Alltrax and Admiral B2 Motor

The stock controller is 275 amps. The stock motor is 2.5 hp
The XCT at 80% is 456 peak amps. The B2 is 10 hp or 3Xs the stock motor.
You will see significantly more power, faster acceleration, and top speeds equal to the stock motor (22-23 mph on stock tires)
36v is an obsolete operating voltage. It is a limiting factor in reaching peak performance.
42v will increase power & speed an additional 17%. (25-26 mph)
The DPI 42v charger is about $300

Alltrax toolkit software is as easy as any I have seen. When plugged into the laptop the XCT self powers up and changes are simple with hte free software and user manual on
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Old 06-20-2018, 09:45 AM   #3
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Default Re: New 500amp Alltrax and Admiral B2 Motor

I have close to that same setup. I think you should have 2ga cables to make full use of the rush of current the 500 alltrax provides, from what I’ve read here and on other websites. You’ll love the new speed and torque. Don’t forget to remove the rubber bumper inside the shaft of you old motor and use it in the new one.

IMHO I would spend around $500 more and you have the best setup.

1. Sell the 6 volts on Craigslist for a $10ish each less than you paid for them.
2. Sell cables on this site or Craigslist, should be a easy sale.
3. Get new 8 volts, you’ll have to pay the $10-$15 core charge unless you have old batts around, Ive used old lawn mower batts before.
4. Get 2ga cables and a 48 volt smart charger, I’ve got a yewy float that cost $250ish.

If you go to 42 volts you get about a 17% increase in power and 48 volt get 33%.

33% is a lot and if your adding a 7th battery the cost is only a few hundred more and you save about 65 lbs over adding an extra battery.

Please go to and read the info on your alltrax, B2 motor and cables. Lots of good info and prices.

As for your program in the controller contact alltrax and get the correct program. You can use a laptop and install it yourself. You could do that and keep it like it is and change in 5ish years when your batteries expire. Either way enjoy your triple horsepower upgrade.

I’m not an expert but one should be long soon.

Edit: I type too slow Scotty bet me to it.

Last edited by CrazyDad; 06-20-2018 at 09:46 AM.. Reason: Add
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Old 06-20-2018, 12:10 PM   #4
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Default Re: New 500amp Alltrax and Admiral B2 Motor

Thanks for the fast replies! That's the exact info I was looking for. I am having my local golf cart shop install the controller and motor while I am on vacation. They said they can up the amperage on the controller back to 500 for full power. I do have a spare new 6v battery in my garage I might throw in there and buy a new charger. My main goal is to out perform my neighbors RXV Cart.
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Old 06-20-2018, 12:34 PM   #5
Sir Nuke
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Default Re: New 500amp Alltrax and Admiral B2 Motor

Originally Posted by wbhess View Post
Thanks for the fast replies! That's the exact info I was looking for. I am having my local golf cart shop install the controller and motor while I am on vacation. They said they can up the amperage on the controller back to 500 for full power. I do have a spare new 6v battery in my garage I might throw in there and buy a new charger. My main goal is to out perform my neighbors RXV Cart.
with that in mind.....truly, go to 48v. you will NOT be disappointed!
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Old 06-21-2018, 05:45 PM   #6
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Default Re: New 500amp Alltrax and Admiral B2 Motor

I picked my cart up today from the shop and took it up and down my flat road. I must say, I am not very pleased with the results. My cart was doing 18-20 before this update. First pass, cart was only doing 19mph and I couldnt really tell much difference with torque. On my way back the cart was only going 17mph. I tested my battery pack and it was only at 36.1 or 36.3..I cant remember exactly. I knew the batteries were a little low on charge but would it make that much of a difference?
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Old 06-21-2018, 07:36 PM   #7
Sir Nuke
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Default Re: New 500amp Alltrax and Admiral B2 Motor

well we tried to tell you....UP THE VOLTAGE. go to 48 volt. I just built a cart, put the exact same controller, 2ga cables, same motor.....and upgraded to 48v, only difference is mine is on 23" tires and it runs 25 mph all day long.
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Old 06-21-2018, 09:23 PM   #8
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Default Re: New 500amp Alltrax and Admiral B2 Motor

Originally Posted by wbhess View Post
I picked my cart up today from the shop and took it up and down my flat road. I must say, I am not very pleased with the results. My cart was doing 18-20 before this update. First pass, cart was only doing 19mph and I couldnt really tell much difference with torque. On my way back the cart was only going 17mph. I tested my battery pack and it was only at 36.1 or 36.3..I cant remember exactly. I knew the batteries were a little low on charge but would it make that much of a difference?
Did you get the motor and Alltrax together from the same supplier? Is the correct field map for the motor installed in the Alltrax? Members who are familiar with the XCT and Admiral motor will want to know which field map is installed and may offer alternatives.
Low tire pressure could conceivably account for a MPH or two.
Batteries are very low. 50% charged or less. This isn't good for them especially as they are new (you say).

You stated your main goal is to outperform your neighbors RXV. So, I have a 48v TXT with an Alltrax and performance motor (D297) and a RXV. My TXT is a 22mph cart on 17" tires and is a much better cart than when it was 36v. But, it is no match for my (electrically stock) RXV. Comparing my TXT to yours is not apples to apples because yours is sepex, never the less I believe you will have to go 48v to even have a chance. IMO
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Old 06-22-2018, 10:56 AM   #9
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Default Re: New 500amp Alltrax and Admiral B2 Motor

What is the max inflation pressure embossed on the sidewalls of your 20" tall AT (all terrain?) tires?????????
If it is 10PSI or less, your cart will be a dog!!!!

What Field Map is loaded in the XCT?????
If it isn't the right one your cart will be a dog. (I don't know the name of the right one and there may be more tan one for a Admiral B2 motor.)

Voltage applied to the armature of a SepeEx motor determines maximum obtainable speed.
There are other factors that determine the speed of a sepex motor, but with the field weakening at the max allowed by the field mapping, it is the applied voltage that determines the speed.

Specifically, a PDS cart with stock motor and tries (18" tall) will do about 24 MPH with a fully charged 36V battery pack (38.2V), about 28MPH with a fully charged 42V battery pack (44.6V) and about 32MPH with a fully charged 48V battery pack (50.9V).

With 20" tall road type tires inflated to 20PSI or more the same cart will be 11.1% faster mathematically, but will not reach the theoretical speeds due to the increased tire height reducing the torque available where rubber meets road by 10.0%.

That said, with your stock PDS motor and 20" tall tires, you cart ought to have had a top speed of about 26.7MPH with a full charged 36V battery pack. (Turning it down to 80% limited max amps, max voltage stayed the same)

You said it would only do 18-20 MPH with the stock motor. Is that with a stock PDS controller? If so, that is more or less typical. If it was with the XCT, something was (is) holding the cart back.
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Old 06-22-2018, 11:04 AM   #10
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Default Re: New 500amp Alltrax and Admiral B2 Motor

36v is an obsolete drive system. I cannot overstate the importance of more voltage in a DC drive system. This combo with 48v will put a grin on your face.
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