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Old 08-22-2015, 09:00 PM   #1
Gone Wild
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 308
Default 82 club car, runs slow if you press pedal easy, runs normal if you hit it hard?

I have a 82 club car Im messing around with. If you press the gas pedal in slowly it runs slower than it should. If you press it hard and fast it will take off at normal speed.

You can also let off and then press it hard, and then it will speed back up.

Has anyone dealt with this problem?

Secondly, the charger just wants to click on and off, instead of stay on. Could those problems be related? Like a bad solenoid? Or bad charger.

Other than that it looks and runs surprisingly well to be 33yrs old.

Any help would be appreciated.
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Old 08-22-2015, 09:05 PM   #2
crash test dummy
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Default Re: 82 club car, runs slow if you press pedal easy, runs normal if you hit it hard?

test all your solenoids and micro switches

charger and solenoid are not related
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Old 08-22-2015, 09:13 PM   #3
Gone Wild
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Default Re: 82 club car, runs slow if you press pedal easy, runs normal if you hit it hard?

Originally Posted by crash test dummy View Post
test all your solenoids and micro switches

charger and solenoid are not related

Thanks for that quick reply. I'll do that tomorrow. I picked it up to tinker with and possibly sell when my other cart is done.

Did I screw up and buy a headache, or are they pretty simple?
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Old 08-22-2015, 09:24 PM   #4
crash test dummy
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Default Re: 82 club car, runs slow if you press pedal easy, runs normal if you hit it hard?

very ez to work on .. alumin frame did good

a little info on how it works
the first solenoid (drivers side) is the main it supplies power to the rest
2~5 are the speed controls with #5 full speed
so when you press slowly one or more (2~4) are not engaging till you get full throttle #5
micro switches control the solenoids

as for charger we need to know the brand
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Old 08-23-2015, 03:33 AM   #5
Gone Wild
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Default Re: 82 club car, runs slow if you press pedal easy, runs normal if you hit it hard?

I jacked up the rear end to listen to the solenoids. I pressed the pedal half way, heard one click with no running, a little more on the second click the wheel starts turning, little more a third click and it speeds up some. And right before the pedal is to the floor I heard the fourth click.

Is this the normal operation?

Two things I did notice was,
1. The coil closest to the passenger side was bent together some causing 3 of the coils to touch. I took a screw driver and straightened them up to separate them like the other two.

2. There was a small white wire disconnected, but I think it was just the reverse horn. I'll check a diagram to make sure.

The charger was a lestron 2. I sanded the plug ends to get a good connection. I plugged it in and it started right up. About 15 seconds later it stopped for a few seconds, and then started back upwith a pop sound. There was also a flash of light from the side.

I'm not using it again until I figure that out.
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Old 08-23-2015, 04:27 AM   #6
Gone Wild
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Default Re: 82 club car, runs slow if you press pedal easy, runs normal if you hit it hard?

The diagram I found for my year doesn't match up completly. The speed switch limit switches aren't layed out separate. They all go into one grey box mounted at the front near the charge port and f/r switch.

edit- I found that all the switches do go into the box I think. How can I test the switches? All the solenoids clicked when I tested them with a direct connection to the positive terminal.

That leads me to think it may be a switch.
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Old 08-23-2015, 07:22 AM   #7
crash test dummy
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Default Re: 82 club car, runs slow if you press pedal easy, runs normal if you hit it hard?

Originally Posted by Jeffreynmandy View Post
I jacked up the rear end to listen to the solenoids. I pressed the pedal half way, heard one click with no running, a little more on the second click the wheel starts turning, little more a third click and it speeds up some. And right before the pedal is to the floor I heard the fourth click.

Is this the normal operation?
Don’t be fooled by a solenoid that sounds as though it has clicked, or cut on. Solenoids are the most common failure in any resistor controlled car and just because they throw (or click) does not mean that they are actually conducting electricity through them. Each of the micro switches also must work in order that the associated speed solenoid works. Club Car accelerator micros make a low volume clicking noise when they are working properly and if you listen closely you can hear them.
Two things I did notice was,
1. The coil closest to the passenger side was bent together some causing 3 of the coils to touch. I took a screw driver and straightened them up to separate them like the other two.

coils must not touch

2. There was a small white wire disconnected, but I think it was just the reverse horn. I'll check a diagram to make sure.
yes it is the reverse buzzer wire

The charger was a lestron 2. I sanded the plug ends to get a good connection. I plugged it in and it started right up. About 15 seconds later it stopped for a few seconds, and then started back up with a pop sound. There was also a flash of light from the side.

I'm not using it again until I figure that out.
yes, that is not good you can open it up and see if there is any burned areas ... we can work on that next

solenoid test

Disconnect the negative battery cable from the battery pack. remove all wires, and restorer coils from solenoids
test 1
Connect an volt meter, set on continuity, place on the two large terminal studs. The meter should indicate no continuity, Replace the solenoid if continuity is present.
test 2
Using jumper wires attach from main positive and main negative of battery pack to the two small solenoid studs, polarity is not important. You should hear a click as the solenoid engages, and the meter should indicate continuity on the two large terminals. Replace the solenoid if continuity is not present.
if solenoid clicks rapidly solenoid is bad
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Old 08-23-2015, 07:53 AM   #8
crash test dummy
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Default Re: 82 club car, runs slow if you press pedal easy, runs normal if you hit it hard?

Originally Posted by Jeffreynmandy View Post
The diagram I found for my year doesn't match up completly. The speed switch limit switches aren't layed out separate. They all go into one grey box mounted at the front near the charge port and f/r switch.
that is the right diagram they are shown that way to see where wires go

edit- I found that all the switches do go into the box I think.
yes speed box

How can I test the switches?
1) Club Car accelerator micros make a low volume clicking noise when they are working properly and if you listen closely you can hear them. Put the car in neutral, leave the brake on & chock the wheels, take the red cap off speed box put your head down near the speed box and slowly push the pedal , The first click should occur near the full pedal-up position. As the pedal is depressed each of the five micros clicks, if you don't hear 5 then one or more are bad

2)with all the small wires in place on Solenoids, disconnect the main negative cable from battery pack , use a volt meter, set on continuity, place probes on the two small terminal studs on #1 Solenoid. The meter should indicate no continuity press the accelerator pedal , the meter should indicate continuity, if no continuity , micro is bad .... repeat for all 5 Solenoids

All the solenoids clicked when I tested them with a direct connection to the positive terminal.
Don’t be fooled by a solenoid that sounds as though it has clicked

That leads me to think it may be a switch.
do tests it will tell you

also check wires for breaks
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Old 08-23-2015, 08:07 AM   #9
crash test dummy
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Default Re: 82 club car, runs slow if you press pedal easy, runs normal if you hit it hard?

Originally Posted by Jeffreynmandy View Post
The charger was a lestron 2. I sanded the plug ends to get a good connection. I plugged it in and it started right up. About 15 seconds later it stopped for a few seconds, and then started back up with a pop sound. There was also a flash of light from the side.

I'm not using it again until I figure that out.
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Old 08-23-2015, 11:07 AM   #10
Gone Wild
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Default Re: 82 club car, runs slow if you press pedal easy, runs normal if you hit it hard?

I listened for the micro switches and I did only hear 4 clicks. The first switch when you first press the pedal is the one not clicking.

Is there a easy way to get to them? I'll order one, or stop by and see the old man that has alot golf cart Junk.

I really appreciate the help, I like tinkering with the carts, but I'm new to it, so im starting out blind. The resistor cart does seem alot less complicated.
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