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Old 11-04-2024, 05:47 PM   #1
Not Yet Wild
Join Date: May 2023
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6
Default Curtis controller not working - Cushman Lithium Conversion

I'm converting a 1971 Cushman "Trophy" to modern electronics and lithium, and have lurked here for a couple years... but now I'm stumped! I'm not very good with wiring diagrams, but I've had some experts look over my work, so fairly confident the wires are going to the right places. :)

I ripped out all the resistors, etc. from the cart, leaving only the motor. I had run this cart with 3x 12V deep cycle batteries for a few years, just around my airport - flat ground and asphalt. It was "ok", but thought upgrading would be a fun project. I did not want to go to 48V, mostly due to LIFePO4 battery pricing...

I've downloaded the manual for the 1205 (and others), as well as everything I can find about the other parts.

ZJ-400A 400A Contactor Solenoid
SW202 36V Reversing Contactor
1205M-5603 36V Motor Controller
HXJS-4805 0-5V Motor Throttle Potentiometer and Golf Cart Potentiometer w/Micro Switch (trying both!)
36V 100Ah Golf Cart LiFePO4 Lithium Battery, Built-in 200A BMS (FEENCE)

New cables, wires, KSI, headlights/switch...

BUT, I can't get the motor controller to work. I've tried both the 0-5V pedal (connected to J3) and the 0-5kohm pot to both J2 and J3. No joy. The voltage on M- and A2 reads ~13V no matter what I do.

Precharge resistor is on the main contactor which works fine from the key switch, diodes are correct on all contactors, and the F/R switch seems to work on the SW202 - note I've taken the motor out of the loop until I can get something out of the controller.

I don't have the Curtis programmer, but I would think either the pedal or the pot would do "something".

Any thoughts or advice?

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