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Old 09-14-2008, 08:15 AM   #4
Club Car
Join Date: Jun 2007
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Default Re: Refurbished golf cart batteries?

Epsom Salt's chemical name is Magnesium Sulfate. What you are really doing is desulphating the lead plates. (remove the built up crud to expose fresh lead) I would do this....but only as a last resort before buying new batteries. If your golf car batteries are toast anyways what can it hurt.

Do not attempt to put Epsom Salt directly into your battery because it will not dissolve into the battery acid, Epsom Salt will only dissolve in water.

Got a bad set of batteries? Don't want to spend the cash on a new set? Just need to buy some time so you can save the cash? Then keep reading on how they do it. It doesn't work all the time, it depends on the condition of the batteries.


2. Epsom Salt
3. Distilled water
4. Turkey baster
5. Cooking thermometer (optional)
6. 1 quart pot (optional)
7. Stove (optional)

***The first part doesn't HAVE to be done. It will still work, it just works better when the solution is warmed.

* With the distilled water in the 1 quart pot, turn the stove on and bring the water temp up to about 150 degrees. DO NOT BOIL! If you don't have a thermometer just bring the temp up to "Just before a boil".

* Dissolve 10 tablespoons of Epsom Salt into the hot water. (again, doesn't have to be hot but it doesn't work as well.)

* Now simply pour the solution into your batteries.

(If the battery is too full you will have to remove some electrolyte with a turkey baster so you can replace it with the Epsom salt-distilled water solution.)

If you think something needs to be added please let me know.

DISCLAIMER: The information in this post is for informational purposes ONLY. Desulfating your batteries, placing Epsom salt or any form of it in your battery, adding distilled water in your battery is done on your own free will and at your own risk and responsibility. If you get hurt or damage your golf car batteries, anyone Else's batteries or any other battery it is your own fault. It is not anyone or anything Else's fault.
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