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Old 11-14-2010, 05:23 PM   #5
Happy Carting
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Default Re: batteries and travel distance

Practically speaking run-time is a very subjective result based on a very complex multifaceted equation

Rabbit said it pretty good....I saved it
Actual run Time?

It is not possible to say what the actual drive time should be. When dealers test batteries, they use a discharge machine that takes the batteries from a full charge down to the shutdown voltage of the cart (for example, on a 36 volt system, the cart is considered in "shut down" at 32.5 volts on the pack under load). The length of time it takes do do this, coupled with the ambient temperature, gives us a rough idea of the life of the battery pack (as well as points out any bad batteries in the pack). As a general rule of thumb, any discharge time above 80 minutes is considered fair, above 90 is considered good, and above 100 is considered very good. A brand new set, properly charged and broken in should discharge at approximately 110 minutes.

The reason I gave all that information is that during "normal" operation, you are not actually running with the pedal down for 5 hours. If you were to start out and run full pedal down without let-up, the batteries should last roughly the same as a "discharge test"

I hope this helps .......
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