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Old 11-07-2019, 12:08 AM   #8
Getting Wild
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Newport, Mi
Posts: 116
Default Re: WTS 12-10 Gauge Semi Insulated Piggy Back Spade Electrical Insulated Quick Splic

To recap - an item was offered with the price (free) and a shipping cost ($1.00) detailed up front. Transaction was (apparently) completed - items were sent, apparently at a loss, to the person that wanted them. It doesn't look like the shipper or buyer have an issue with the transaction.

4 terms for a dollar? It would cost more to drive to purchase them than a dollar - can anybody really complain about that price? Well, apparently people on here feel the need to.

Others not involved with the transaction didn't like the terms to the deal and made negative comments about it.

So, someone that offered an item, provided the item as promised at the pre-determined terms to the receiving person is getting their character bashed - BY OTHERS - for the transaction?


As to the "free information" - if you have something worthwhile to contribute that you feel you need to be paid for - set a price UP FRONT for it and let the prospective buyer choose if they want to pay for that info. (if that doesn't violate the vendors clause in the member agreement) That's how people with good character conduct business - set the terms upfront and stick to them.

I guess I'm just as guilty as others for commenting on a transaction that didn't involve me, but IMO the character issues aren't with the person that provided the items as promised at the price negotiated. I know posts like this seriously will make me think twice about who to do business with from here.
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