Thread: Stereo hook up
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Old 07-18-2012, 07:21 PM   #3
Gone Wild
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Default Re: Stereo hook up

You can run a fused feed from one of your 12v batteries to power the radio but I don't recommend it - and most here will most likely agree with me. When I first started adding accessories, I had my lights and radio wired to the 4th battery in the pack. It kills the battery quicker, weakens it overall sooner, and then causes the whole pack to get weaker quicker than it should, over time. I also had problems with my lights dimming and/or my radio cutting off when I hit the accel pedal. PITA.

There are 2 good options, no matter how many batteries you have, and what voltage they each are. You can get a voltage reducer, which will draw your 12v from the entire pack evenly, or you can stash an extra 12v battery somewhere on the cart and wire directly to that. The big argument against the second option is that you have an extra battery to charge. That is true but you can make it fairly convenient to do and that battery most likely doesn't need to be recharged as often as the cart does. I went with the spare battery. I mounted in the bagwell underneath my passenger seat (dead space anyway). I bought a battery tender which came with detachable ends that can be left attached to the battery. When I plug my cart in, I just plug the tender into the detachable plug on the spare battery and let them go. It takes a few more seconds and is a little extra expense, but you aren't drawing power off the cart to run accessories. Reading horror stories about voltage reducers burning down carts kind of helped my decision as well.
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